Veteran Owned and Operated


The key to our success is our team. A Veteran owned and operated organization with over 90% of our team bearing the distinction of formal & specialized U.S. military training. The Top Flight Team applies years of field tested leadership and experience to professionally, securely, and efficiently provide our clients peace of mind.


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On Site Security

24 hour Armed security personnel

Custom service contracts providing up to 24 hour per day on site security. We utilize highly trained DPSST certified guards. All Top Flight Security personnel are State compliant.

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licensed and bonded security transport

Discreet and secure fully tracked and monitored transportation logistics ensuring efficient distribution. TFS has a 100% delivery record with over 1,000,000 miles of transport in 2017 alone. 


Security System Installation

complete coverage and remote monitoring

Cost effective security system design and installation to meet or exceed State requirements. multi-camera monitoring and off-site backup systems available. Complete coverage and customized designs give you peace of mind and defensible data of record.


Cyber Security

military grade encryption standards

Our strategic partners work with us to provide complete TLS/SSL security for data at rest or in transfer. Asymmetric, symmetric, and full digital encryption with cutting edge, evolving, and unbeaten algorithms give you peace of mind for any communication.
